This weekend, the Barrow-Civic Theatre is showcasing the youth-led musical Space Cadets, written, directed, and performed by local teens. The one-act play, entirely crafted by youth, features a coming-of-age story about Dee, a high schooler discovering her alien origins while navigating bullies and personal growth. Written by 20-year-old Emilie Weaver, directed by 15-year-old Lydia Braughler, and featuring music by 17-year-old Aoife Salusky, the production is a collaborative effort by a talented cast and crew aged 14–17. With sold-out performances, the show represents a first for the theater in having script, music, and direction entirely handled by young artists.
To read this complete article, visit it on our website or pick up a copy of The Derrick or The News-Herald for January 10, 2025.