Socially distanced and on a mask break, 7th-grader Elena Garland looks to the future of learning online in a hybrid module next week at Cranberry High School. (By Ava Fischer/Student contributor).
Student contributor
Beginning Nov. 9, Cranberry High School is converting to phase yellow.
The transition was decided by the superintendents of Venango County schools, Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Department of Education, school administrators, as well as the school nurse, at 10 a.m. Monday morning after a strong recommendation for the change.
The district was at a low number of cases for ten weeks before becoming moderate the last two, forcing the school to transition within that period to adjust to the threat.
Every phase the school has created is to adhere to the COVID-19 Transmission Model that has the levels of low, moderate, and substantial. The level is determined by the amount of people being affected by the virus in the high school, elementary school, and any within our zip code.
CHS has decided to change their way of educating students to a hybrid form of a class schedule to limit the number of cases by decreasing possible exposure.
There are two groups of students who will alternate between days, depending on which group they are placed in.
Group A will come to school on Monday and Wednesday, while Group B will attend Tuesday and Thursday. The days students are not in the school building, they are to be learning and completing coursework online. Then, on Friday, all students will remain at home for online instruction.
When in the school building, everyone’s schedule will also change from blocks to 8 periods a day.
As of now, it is planned that students at home will have to do attendance by answering a question on Google Classroom before 10 a.m. What and how teachers assign work is left up to their discretion.
Depending on the sheer number of cases and possibilities, by Nov. 16, Cranberry will make a decision to either stay in the hybrid model or go fully cyber.
This instance does not only affect the students but the administrators and staff, as well as parents.
Showing his compassion to student situations but also acknowledging the danger that the virus poses to every single person, Cranberry’s principal, Ritt Smith, stated, “I would prefer being in face-to-face instruction. I understand that we have had an increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases and it is important to keep our students, staff, and community as safe as possible.”
The transition will ultimately benefit the entire community in decreasing the amount of cases of people contracting COVID-19 and spreading the virus, making this decision to go hybrid a noble one.
Ady Carter and Ava Fischer are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications class.