Erie VA Medical Center new entrance open

Erie VA Medical Center new entrance open
The Erie VA Medical Center has a new entrance and exit. It is on East 38th Street with a red light. You can now exit the VA and make a left turn at the light (also a right). This has been a long work in progress.
Also, there are a lot of other things happening with the VA.
Produce Express will be there on the third Tuesday of the month, with fresh produce and grocery items, and available free to those who qualify.
It will take place in the back parking lot by the second-floor entrance. Advance registration is required.
To see if you qualify for free food, call Sandra Luthringer at 814-860-2780.
Veterans events
Warren County Fair: Active Duty & Retired Military Day on Wednesday, Aug. 7.
Ashtabula County Fair: Veterans Appreciation Day on Thursday, Aug. 8.
Other news
The Veterans of Foreign Wars held its 120th National Convention in Orlando, Florida, last week. Business was done with resolution and bylaws changes. There was nomination, election and installation of National Office.
The results:
National Commander, William (Doc) Schmitz, of New York VFW Post 524. His motto is “Dare To Care.”
National Sr. Vice Commander, Harold D. Roesch, Virginia VFW Post 3219.
National Jr. Vice Commander, Matthew M. Fritz Mihelcice, of Illinois VFW Post 2698.
Quarter-Master General, Debra E. Anderson, of VFW Post 7356, re-elected to fourth term.
National Chaplain, Jim Jenkins, of VFW Post 6401.
National Judge Advocate General, James Douglas Whitaker, of VFW Post 9675.
Surgeon General, Curtis (Doc) Bohlman, of VFW Post 1335, seventh time elected.
Until next week, praying for all service members.