Venango County Historical Society to hold annual meeting Nov. 2

The Venango County Historical Society’s annual meeting will be held Thursday, Nov. 2, in the social room of Christ United Methodist Church on Buffalo Street, Franklin.

Attendees may enter the church from the parking lot on Chestnut Street behind the church.

Debbie Corll of Meadville will be the guest speaker. She will provide an update on the status of the Washington Trail 1753 project.

Corll’s involvement with Washington’s Trail 1753 began in 2002, when she was project manager for the national commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the French and Indian War.

At that time, Washington’s Trail was an effort in Butler County to raise awareness and tell the story of a young George Washington’s first diplomatic mission in that county.

Through Corll’s efforts, the Washington’s Trail efforts expanded to 10 counties in western Pennsylvania, a driving route was identified and mapped and a Washington’s Trail brochure was published.

In 2013, Corll was hired by the City of Meadville and became Meadville’s representative on the WT1753 Steering Committee. Corll was also tapped to serve on the board of directors.

The historical society annual meeting will begin with a social time from 5:30 to 6 p.m., followed by a dinner.

Cost is $20. Reservations are due by Friday and may be arranged by calling 432-8260 or sending an email to

A short business meeting is planned with an election of board members. Reports will include an update of the year’s activities.
