From staff reports
The United Way of Venango County has launched a sock and underwear drive for local students.
Through the agency’s “School Closet” program, it will provide new socks and undergarments for area students in need.
The United Way ensures that there is a place where all of Venango County students have access to basic necessities like personal hygiene products, toiletries and clothing items.
The United Way’s Care Closet program provided 31,295 items to the care closets at area school districts since the program began during the 2019 school year.
Price said teachers and others at local school districts have brought to his attention the particular need for socks and underwear at their school care closets.
People can help by taking their donations of new and unused socks and underwear at three local drop-off sites: Bossa Nova in Franklin, Karma Coffee and Spilling the Beans in Oil City and the United Way office in Reno. There are laundry baskets at each drop-off site for the donated items.