By Hannah Niederriter
Cardinal Vitality
Fresh fruit, ripe for the season, is a summer essential for most individuals.
Raspberries are certainly not excluded.
Essentially Essential
Sunglasses are the go-to accessory on a sunny day.
Not only do they protect your eyes, but keep you stylish in the process.
Violet Majesty
Along with the initiation of summer
comes a variety of vivid hues among all aspects of nature.
Trickling Light
This time of the year, everything is finally green.
The sun that filters through the leaves makes the dreamy sight even more breathtaking.
Delectable Delights Amid Summer Nights
Gathering among family and friends to roast marshmallows over a fire
simply conveys a summer evening.
Coastal Treasures
Nature’s souvenirs can be absolutely marvelous.
For many, seashells and sand dollars are tokens of a well-deserved vacation.
The Fragile Fall of Dew Drops
Waking to see small dew drops on the petals of flowers
as opposed to frost is a welcoming sight – an indication of fair weather.
The Beauty of Tranquil Days
Summer doesn’t always have to be full of exciting events.
It’s nice to take a day to relax in the beauty of nature.
A Canine’s Perspective
Summer presents various opportunities to mingle with friends and acquaintances,
but it’s hard to forget about man’s best friend: a dog.
The Winged Majesty of Nature
Wildlife is incredibly breathtaking, as well as plants and flowers, during the summer.
Butterflies are one of the thousands of examples of natural beauty.
Gleaming Growth
Just as many are wishing for more sunlight in the upcoming months,
succulents, as well as other plant life, are following suit.
Summer Spokes
The great outdoors is open to hundreds of activities in the summer.
Indulging in a scenic bike ride is often a splendid idea.
Roads Less Travelled
The summer solstice may mark the beginning of new fitness routines,
but it also catalyzes newfound interest in exploration.
A Day’s Refreshment
With the heat of the day, a cold water balloon fight
is a treat to anyone under the beating sun.
Amber Holt and Hannah Niederriter are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications group.