Sugarcreek council OKs Second Amendment sanctuary designation

Sugarcreek Borough is now a Second Amendment sanctuary municipality.

Mayor Charles McDaniel read a resolution at the borough council’s monthly meeting Wednesday that the council then adopted to give the borough the sanctuary designation.

McDaniel said the resolution is “near and dear to his heart.”

“I’ve worked hand-in-hand with several Venango County and Sugarcreek Borough residents on this,” McDaniel said.

The text of the resolution states that the borough “stands for our Second Amendment rights and opposes any unconstitutional effort” to remove legally-owned firearms from borough residents.

In other business at Wednesday’s meeting, the council unanimously approved the purchase of two bulk fuel tanks to be used by borough police and maintenance workers.

The free-standing, double-walled tanks require no containment pad and would be used to save on borough fuel costs, borough maintenance foreman Doug Freer said.

Freer requested approval to purchase a 1,000-gallon tank for maintenance crews. Police chief Bob Wenner said an additional 300-gallon tank could be purchased, with both coming in at just under $10,000.

Borough administrator Joseph Sporer said the borough’s plan to install a street light at the Methodist church on Front Street may have been premature.

Sporer said that following last month’s meeting, Penelec was consulted and it turns out the light already in place at the location shines inside a residence at night and that owners of the property weren’t amenable to a brighter light being placed there.

McDaniel, Wenner, and councilman Matt Carlson all shared comments they’ve received – as well as their own appreciation – for the success of this year’s Rocky Grove fireman’s parade and fair.