By BROOKE WHITLING – Student contributor
Every school year, Journalism and Publication students are elected to head departments. Here are the class leaders:

Nick Richar, a level II journalism student who is a jack of all trades, is journalism’s Executive Assistant Manager. (By Ava Fischer/Student contributor)

Merissa McCoy, a senior and level II journalism student at Cranberry, is this year’s new Executive Producer. (By Ava Fischer/Student contributor)

Journalism’s new Editor-in-Chief is Hannah Niederriter, a junior and level III journalism student at Cranberry High School. (By Ava Fischer/Student contributor)

Amber Holt, our new Director of Marketing and Design, is a junior at Cranberry High school and a level III journalism student. (By Ava Fischer/Student contributor)

Ava Fischer, senior and level III journalism student, is our new Director of Photography. Ava has placed 1st in a state competition 3 times and won other 2nd place finishes. (By Trisha Dixon/Journalism teacher)
At Cranberry Chronicles, we are very excited about our new leaders, and know that they will contribute to a great year!
Brooke Whitling and Ava Fischer are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications class. Trisha Dixon is their teacher.