From staff reports
The Franklin street department will be sweeping streets next week in the following areas:
Monday – Third shift:Odd sides of Elk Street from 11th Street to Second Street, both sides of Second Street and Third Street; First shift: Both sides of the 200 and 600 blocks of Egbert Avenue.
Tuesday – Third shift: Odd sides of Liberty Street and the even sides of Buffalo Street from 11th Street and First Street; First shift: Both sides of Pacific Street and Orchard Street.
Thursday – Third shift: even sides of Elk Street from 11th Street to Second Street, odd side of 1000 block of Chestnut, odd sides of 10th Street, Eighth Street, Sixth Street and the even sides of Ninth Street, Seventh Street and the Fifth Street; First shift: Third Ward area.
Friday – Third shift: even sides of the 1000 block of Chestnut Street, even 10th Street, Eighth Street, Sixth Street and the odd sides of Ninth Street, Seventh Street and Fifth Street; First shift: Third Ward area.
Residents may sweep anti-skid material into piles in front of their property for pickup by city workers. They should call the city maintenance center at (814) 437-1600 to give locations of the piles.