From staff reports
William “Bill” Lynam of Seneca was honored by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Senate for his 50 years of service teaching hunter education classes in the region.
In addition to teaching hunter education he is the area’s hunter education coordinator and attends every hunter education class held in southern Venango County. He has facilitated the expansion of hunter education classes in the schools, notably Cranberry and Oil City school districts.
For 39 years Lynam was a deputy wildlife conservation officer. He has served as Venango County Youth Field Day coordinator for more than a decade. He is heavily involved in Cranberry Conservation Days held annually at Waltonian Park, the Oil City Chapter Izaak Walton League of America’s facilities located off Deep Hollow Road.
An active member of the Oil City chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, he volunteers and takes a leadership role in many of its youth programs, including the annual Oil Heritage Fishing Derby.
“It is safe to say that Mr. Lynam personifies the type of volunteerism that makes our state unique and allows the Game Commission to be as successful as we are at delivering our programs to the public and advancing conservation in the Commonwealth,” said Andy Hueser, Game Commission hunter education administrator.