Registrations being accepted for Youth Field Day

From staff reports

Registrations are being accepted for the Venango County Youth Field Day. The event will be held Saturday, June 17, at the Oil City Izaak Walton club grounds located outside Oil City on Deep Hollow Road.

The event is open to registered youths ages 8 to 18 years old.

Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. and events conclude at 4 p.m.

Free T-shirts, door prizes and lunch are provided.

Activities include fishing, canoeing, fly tying, .22 rifle, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery and much more.

There is no charge for the day and coaching for all events will be provided.

The event is limited to the first 150 registrants. No walk-ons will be accepted.

All youths must register by going to website

Interested persons should click on register button and fill out form completely.

The event will be held rain or shine, so participants should dress accordingly.

Registration in advance is necessary so that all can participate equally in all events, event organizers said.

Failure to pre-register could possibly result in events being full and not available to all youths, they added.

People may contact Bill Lynam at (814) 677-5218 with questions.