This week more sunflowers stretched toward the sky much to the delight of some area bees; the peaches started to turn their peachy orange; and a few more wildflowers started to show their colors.

A peach is almost ripe

Bees on a sunflower against a blue sky.

Peaches are illuminated by the evening sun.

A bee gets busy against a bright background.

A hydrangea blossom

A yellow sunflower against a blue sky

A few more wildflowers are starting to show their true colors.
Crazy Critters

Buford “hits the spot” while itching.

Timus is “so close, but so far away” from outside as he peers through the screen door.
(Anna Applegate is a newsroom staffer at The Derrick and The News-Herald. She manages the Good Times. She can be emailed at