Pet of the day 5/25/18

Sandy is an adult, male German Shepard that came to Tri-County Rescue when a local sanctuary had closed down. Sandy is a big, handsome, boy…

Jucy Lucy burgers

Servings: 4 Start to finish: 45 minutes Buy the American cheese from the deli counter, and ask them to slice it into a 1/2-inch slab…

Recent Deaths 5/25/18

Elizabeth Verne Terwilliger Mahood, 92, of Foxburg, died May 21, 2018. Etta Y. Cooper, 84, of Meadville, died May 24, 2018. Judith A. Pierce, 75,…

Senior centers set schedules

Cranberry Place The Cranberry Place Older Adult Center is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Lunch is served daily at 11:30 a.m. for a suggested donation of $1….

Pet of the day 5/24/18

Name: Pearl Breed: Domestic Shorthair Mix Age: 1 year Gender: Female Size: Medium Declawed: No House-trained: Unknown Pearl can be found at Venango County Humane…

Recent Deaths 5/24/18

Rowena K. Pompeo, 71, of Oil City, died May 18, 2018. Donald E. “Mike” McCartney, 84, of Vernal, Utah, died May 17, 2018. Shirley (Hessenauer)…

Pet of the day 5/23/18

Name: Luke Breed: Rat Terrier Mix Age: 9 years Gender: Male Size: Small House-trained: Yes Luke can be found at Precious Paws Animal Rescue.

Chicken larb

Servings: 4 Start to finish: 30 minutes Dressing: 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1…

Recent Deaths 5/23/18

Roy A “Bud” Kemery, 63, of Emlenton, died May 22, 2018. John E. Gorman Jr., 57, of Oil City, died May 19, 2018.   For…

Recent Deaths 5/22/18

William Joseph Gatto, 76, of Harrisville, died May 20, 2018. Patricia I. Turner Oakley Rode, 80, of Oil City, died May 20, 2018. Robert L. “Bob”…

Pet of the day 5/21/18

Name: Annie Breed: Rat Terrier Mix Age: 9 years Size: Small Gender: Female House-trained: Yes Annie can be found at Precious Paws Animal Rescue.