Emlenton Summer Festival

The Emlenton PA Summer Festival will be celebrating its 39th year Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 13, 14 and 15 in Emlenton.  The festival will…

March honors victims of newsroom attack

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Quietly clutching candles or hoisting #AnnapolisStrong signs, more than 1,000 people streamed through Maryland’s capital, remembering five people slain in a…

Recent Deaths 6/30/18

Dennis Franklin “Denny” Miller, 59, of Porter Township, died. Debra “Oma” Robinson, 65, of Franklin, died June 28, 2018. Carol A. McCartney, 80, of Rouseville,…

Recent Deaths 6/29/18

David S. McCartney, 89, of Venus, died June 28, 2018. Henry Michael “Hank” Hufnagel, II, 73, of Clarion, died June 28, 2018. Cynthia J. (Mietus)…

Pet of the day 6/28/18

Trudy appears to be an adult , female, Coonhound that was brought into the rescue as a stray. Unfortunately no one has claimed Trudy so…

Raspberry sorbet

Servings: 8 Start to finish: 6 1/2 hours 1 cup water 1 teaspoon powdered pectin such as sugar-less Sure-Jell 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 pounds…

Recent Deaths 6/28/18

Ronald R. “Ron” Norcross, 84, of Grove City, died June 27, 2018. Cindy Renee Manning, 50, of Franklin, died June 24, 2018.   For complete…

Pet of the day 6/27/18

Name: Dolly Breed: Domestic Longhair Mix Age: 3 years Gender: Female Size: Large Color: White/Grey Declawed: No House-trained: Unknown Dolly can be found at Venango…

Recent Deaths 6/27/18

Diane M. Eisenman Moyer, 54, of Erie, died June 24, 2018. Ross J. Schons, 53, of Templeton, died June 26, 2018. Linda Maxine Altman Groom,…

Pet of the day 6/26/18

Destiny is a lively 4-5 year old Terrier mix, who enjoys outings, particularly those involving car rides and meeting new people. She is accepting of…

Recent Deaths 6/26/18

William Huefner, 97, of Clarion, died June 24, 2018. Audrey Montgomery died June 24, 2018. Joshua A. Goodman, 32, of Oil City, died June 24, 2018….

Pet of the Day 6/25/18

Animal ID 33811866 Species Cat Breed Domestic Shorthair/Mix Age 5 years 8 months 1 day Gender Male Size Small Color Cream Spayed/Neutered   Declawed No…