Recent Deaths 4/2/19

Helen E. Fritz, 89, formerly of Heritage Village Campus and Franklin, died March 29, 2019. Donna Jean Carey, 65, of Sligo, died March 30, 2019….

Recent Deaths 4/1/19

Philip Bruno, 88, of Perry Township, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, March 27, 2019. Donna Carey, 65, of Sligo, passed away Saturday morning, March 30, 2019….

Recent Deaths 3/30/19

Jack E. Benninger, 92, formerly of 134 East Ave., Greenville, died March 28, 2019. Philip Bruno, 88, of Perry Township, Ohio, died March 27, 2019….

Pet of the Day 3/29/19

Ruger is a Chocolate Labrador Retriever & Labrador Retriever Mix Young, Male, Medium, Brown/Chocolate COAT LENGTH: Short HEALTH: Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered Ruger, a Chocolate Labrador…

Reds rally for 5-3 win over Pirates

CINCINNATI (AP) — Unexpected stars, unconventional moves, one pleasing win. The David Bell era in Cincinnati got off to an encouraging start for a Reds…

Recent Deaths 3/29/19

Linda K. Solinger, 78, of Oil City, died March 27, 2019. Barbara Jean White, 67, of Dempseytown, died March 28, 2019. Claude Allen Mohney, 82,…

Pet of the day 3/28/19

Name: Harper Breed: Pointer, German Wirehaired mix Age: 4 years Gender: Male Size: Medium Color: Brown/ White Declawed: No House-trained: Unknown Harper can be found…

Recent Deaths 3/28/19

William Thomas Steele, of Franklin, died March 21, 2019. Linda L. Klinger, 72, of Franklin, died March 24, 2019. Betty J. Spence, 89, of Oil…