(Photo by Will Bennett/Student contributor)
Student contributor
Cranberry High School staff and students have recently started making headway on constructing an outdoor classroom, which will sit behind the school. This project will be completed in three phases and will include two classrooms, a greenhouse, and a seating area for students and teachers to utilize and learn in.
English teacher Heather Motter originated the idea and said, “This project is near and dear to my heart. I have envisioned a beautiful outdoor space behind the school for several years and began looking into grant opportunities with the Student Council.”
Costs of the classroom have been reduced by donations, helping this project take life.
Motter also added, “The family of a former Cranberry teacher, Florence Heyison, has made a significant contribution in her honor.”
The classroom couldn’t be created without assistance from the school’s shop teachers, Jon Piercy and Chad Clark.
This project not only benefits as an alternative for students sitting in an indoor classroom when it is finished, but is an educational learning experience for students working on the construction aspect.
“It is a great opportunity for the students who are working on it. They will gain a lot of first hand experience in general construction and concrete work,” said Clark.
Progress has been made this past week.
Clark added, “So far this week, we have gotten the site prepped for one building and some sidewalks. The poles for the first building are all set and hopefully we can have some, if not all, the trusses in place by the end of the week.”
The classroom is set to be done by the end of October.
Kayla Hanna, Emily Wright, and Will Bennett are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications class.