Oil City K of C to hold 125-year celebration

The Oil City Knights of Columbus is planning a celebration next month to observe the club’s 125-year anniversary.

Events will be held Saturday, Oct. 12, to mark the milestone.

Things will start at the 4 p.m. Mass that day at St. Joseph Church in Oil City. The K of C will be recognized at the Mass for its service and charity over the years to the Oil City Catholic community.

A social hour will follow at the K of C auditorium on Petroleum Street, then a stuffed chicken or stuffed pork chop dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

Invitations have been sent to Oil City K of C members and others, and reservations and payment from those who have been invited are due by Oct. 2.

Checks are to be made payable to Knights of Columbus 125th anniversary and sent to Chris Schwabenbauer at 13 Rich St., Oil City.

Cost is $70 for couples and $40 for singles.