Photo by Jennifer Mosher-Johnson
Student contributor
Oil City Senior High School celebrated the national holiday, Pi Day, on March 13, 2023. Pi Day is a holiday for NASA to join people across the United States in celebration of the infinite number, π or 3.14. Many schools across the country take the time to play a Pi song or discuss Pi’s history, but not OCHS.
OCHS held an assembly during the last period of the day. They began the event with the annual pie eating contest. Students compete to see who can eat a pie the fastest. The pies were made by students in a cooking class. Though this year was a very close draw, Madison Marczak came out on top by a split second.
Following the pie eating contest, Memphis Hulver took the time to recite as many Pi digits as he could. He was able to recite 195 correct digits of Pi, surpassing any other person at OCHS.
For the final event, the students took a break from competing and allowed their math teacher, Kevin Harriet, to work on his Pi skills. Andy McGarvie, Kade Morrison, Megan Hawkins, and Jacob Wenner, subbing in for Brea Fennick, took the stage to give Harriet difficult mathematical equations. If Harriet was unable to answer the mathematical equation, the students were allowed to pie him in the face. If he succeeded in answering, he would then pie the student in the face. Harriet eventually received four pies to the face.
The entire event was held by Harriet and he succeeded in making Pi Day another memorable event.
Alexandria Power is a student at Oil City High School and a member of the school’s Oiler News staff. Jennifer Mosher-Johnson is the journalism teacher at Oil City High school.