Nifty at 90: Oil City woman enjoys Pittsburgh sports

Maxine Hahn, born on August 11, 1934, in Tionesta, is celebrated in the Nifty at 90 series for her long and fulfilling life. A graduate of Tionesta High School and the Oil City School of Nursing, she worked as a registered nurse in the nursery at Oil City Hospital for 36 years, earning the admiration of many who fondly remember her care. Married to Vincent Hahn for 53 years, she is a devoted mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, treasuring time spent with her family. Maxine has enjoyed hobbies like gardening, canning, and baking, and has been an active community volunteer since retiring. A devout sports fan, she passionately supports her Pittsburgh teams and stays engaged with her church and community.

To read this complete article, visit it on our website or pick up a copy of The Derrick or The News-Herald for August 10, 2024.