New Pass System and the Promotion of Academic Success

A new pass is given to students as a reward for achieving honor roll or principal’s list to visit the library during study halls. (By Merissa McCoy/Student contributor)

Green passes are given to students to go to the library during their study hall for extra work time. (By Merissa McCoy/Student contributor)

Student contributor

Along with the addition of many valuable updates to Cranberry High School, a new pass system has been established for the library to make it readily available for academic purposes. Students approach their teachers, who will then write on green passes distributed at the beginning of the school year. The green passes will then be displayed to the student’s homeroom teacher before each individual advances to the library.

The majority of this arrangement was developed by computer science teacher Colin Milne, with some collaboration with the health committee. 

“We just wanted to bring the most opportunity for students to be successful in their academic expeditions,” Milne explained. 

Accompanying the green passes is the inclusion of red passes, which are solely given to students each quarter based on the honor roll and principal’s list. The red passes permit students to access the library without the hassle of receiving a green pass. Milne felt it was a good reward for those who have earned the trust of staff members and already successfully balance their academics with other activities. 

As of now, Milne hasn’t had students approach him with complaints about the green passes, but has received positive reviews of the red passes. From what he has seen so far, there are plans for the system to be implemented in school for years to come. However, after reaching out to fellow peers, there are mixed opinions pertaining to the new pass arrangement. 

“I don’t really like it. It’s too complex,” Dylan Lu asserted. “I’ve had both fellow classmates and teachers be confused on how it (the green passes) works since we weren’t informed too clearly in the past.”

In contrast, Kristen Hogue stated, “I like that people who have done the work and have gotten good grades can reward themselves and just go down to relax.”

From a teacher standpoint, there seems to be a general consensus of positivity regarding the passes. Although this system doesn’t guarantee success, many staff members feel as though it provides the opportunity for accomplishment and superior work ethic. 

As said by Kathleen Uhrinek, a teacher in support of both green and red passes, “It’s so nice to see hard work rewarded. They (red pass students) get an extra privilege without it being a free for all. We’re supposed to recognize when students need more time to do work in their study halls, and this certainly helps with that.”

While there is not a guarantee this pass system will be implemented in the future, there is a good probability of it due to the results Milne and other staff members have witnessed concerning the work of students. Recommendations and feedback of both green and red passes are welcome; after all, the whole purpose of this arrangement is to offer the greatest chance of academic success for the student body of Cranberry High School. 


Hannah Niederriter and Merissa McCoy are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications class.