As summer continues on more bugs, birds and blossoms come forth. Young wildlife is also out and about. Strolls around the yard, garden and woods reveal blooming gazanias, gladiolas and more. A few different varieties of dragonflies can be seen.
Several gladiolas opened up last week.
A doe and her fawn were seen last week in the woods. And a few days later several string bean plants were missing from the garden.
The goldfinches were enjoying the seeds of the catnip mint plants.
An Eastern phoebe was spotted on a walk last week.
A female pondhawk dragonfly was spotted at a Pinegrove Township pond last week.
A female widow skimmer dragonfly also found a sunny spot at a Pinegrove Township pond.
Crazy Critters
Kennedy helps with the raking.
(Anna Applegate is a newsroom staffer at The Derrick and The News-Herald. She manages the Good Times. She can be emailed at