New arrivals daily

The gazanias are in full bloom.

As summer continues on more bugs, birds and blossoms come forth. Young wildlife is also out and about. Strolls around the yard, garden and woods reveal blooming gazanias, gladiolas and more. A few different varieties of dragonflies can be seen.



Several gladiolas opened up last week.



A doe and her fawn were seen last week in the woods. And a few days later several string bean plants were missing from the garden.




The goldfinches were enjoying the seeds of the catnip mint plants.



An Eastern phoebe was spotted on a walk last week.



A female pondhawk dragonfly was spotted at a Pinegrove Township pond last week.



A female widow skimmer dragonfly also found a sunny spot at a Pinegrove Township pond.


Crazy Critters


Kennedy helps with the raking.


(Anna Applegate is a newsroom staffer at The Derrick and The News-Herald. She manages the Good Times. She can be emailed at