From staff reports
The Venango County Historical Society is sponsoring a program — “Bringing Back the Days of Monarch Park” — Saturday at the Franklin Public Library.
The 11 a.m. program will be hosted by Chuck Morgan, a former area resident. The presentation will focus on the history of Monarch Park and will touch on many of the park’s features and high points before its demise.
The park opened in 1896 and operated until 1926 along Deep Hollow Road between Franklin and Oil City on grounds later purchased by the Izaak Walton League.
Many pictures from the era as well as comparative views of the same areas today will be featured at Saturday’s program.
It was the spot for reunions, company picnics and get togethers of all kinds and for all ages. And it drew in as many as 15,000 people in one day.
Morgan was born in Oil City in the early 1950’s and learned of Monarch Park from his parents and relatives. Finding small remnants of the park while on family outings sparked his interest in the park.