MLK is focus of Sandycreek character education session

Major Smith (back center) read a book and talked to Sandycreek Elementary kindergarten and second-grade students about the life and character traits of Martin Luther King Jr. Sandycreek students pictured with Smith are (top, from left) Coleman DeLong, Lillih Gonsalvas, (back, from left) London Pierce, Sophia Fitzgerald, Jay’Leah Baker, Cyrus Herbst and Isaac Greco.

Kindergarten and second-grade students at Sandycreek Elementary learned about Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and leadership as part of their character education curriculum, led by community leader Major Smith and teachers. They explored King’s traits, discussed good citizenship, and participated in related projects, while monthly lessons continue to emphasize key traits like respect, empathy, and honesty to foster personal growth, guided by school counselor Carly Sevin.


To read this complete article, visit it on our website or pick up a copy of The Derrick or The News-Herald for January 18, 2025.