Forest transportation offices will move into new property

Forest County commissioners on Wednesday approved the purchase of a property in Marienville for use by the county’s transportation department.

The property at 128 Cherry St. is adjacent to the current transportation office at 126 Cherry near the newly renovated transportation garage.

The building will be renovated to house the transportation department, and a paved parking area will provide more space to park the county’s vehicles.

“The building is not bad, it needs a new boiler and a ramp put on the front,” commissioner Bob Snyder said.

The county acquired the property for $68,000.

Snyder said the transportation department has grown, and he added that parking for the county’s vehicles has been an issue.

Presently, the county parks a number of vehicles in a parking lot by the Marienville Pharmacy, but that area is now needed for other purposes, Snyder said.

The existing office, which is old and doesn’t meet the needs of the transportation department, will be torn down, Snyder said.

In other business Wednesday, Snyder said there have been internet outages when the power goes out at the courthouse.

Zito fiber is run to the courthouse, and from there internet is provided to the German Hill tower and the eastern part of the county, Snyder said.

The equipment needs electricity to operate and there has been some question of whether the generator for the courthouse has been kicking in recently when the power went out, Snyder said.

In another matter, the county has revised its policy regarding how it sells county property such as office items, county vehicles and other items the county no longer wants.

All items, including furniture, tools, electronics equipment, vehicles and other items, must be approved for sale by the commissioners at a public meeting and publicly put up for sale.

For items worth less than $1,000, a notice of sale will be posted outside the commissioners’ office and the chief clerk will accept bids for at least 10 days.

Items worth more than $1,000 must be advertised in a newspaper for sale or auction, and bids will remain sealed until at least 10 days after the advertisement.