Fatal frost

Chrysanthemums covered in frost

Last week’s frosty night air proved to be fatal for a good number of flowers. The hard freeze, or killing frost, laid waste to the begonias, Mexican sunflowers, the four o’clocks and more. A few plants, including some petunias and chrysanthemums, sustained damage but remained alive and blooming. Most of the wildflowers have gone to seed and are sporting their white fluffy seed casings. The trees continue to shed their leaves, although a few of the later species still have some colors to show. Meanwhile, the chipmunks’ and squirrels’ fall movements continue to stir up a couple of crazy canines.


A frosty Mexican sunflower. This frost ended the growing season for them.



Frost coats a burning bush shrub.



Colorful trees are seen behind a frosty field.



Frost covers some long dead goldenrod.

Crazy Critters


Sherman and Buford are on chipmunk and squirrel patrol.



Buford attempts to sniff out a chipmunk.



Buford sports his sweater for cooler weather.


(A Walk in the Woods contains photos from newsroom staffer Anna Applegate’s daily jaunts around her neck of the woods. Tagging along on the treks are dogs, Buford and Sherman, and goats, Kyle and Kennedy. Applegate manages the Good Times and can be emailed at bigdogs.thederrick@gmail.com)