Student contributor
“You know it’s a good day when you’re sharing noodle salad with your best friends,” said music teacher Michael Poff.
Cranberry is all about changing up the atmosphere and shining a more positive light on the school day, and on Friday, students were given an opportunity to do just that.
All lunches were moved outside in an informal cookout style. Students were served hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on a giant grill by Principal Ritt Smith and Superintendent Bill Vonada. Additionally, students could have sides of macaroni salad, potato chips, baked beans, and brownies.

Grilling for the kids, Principal Ritt Smith and Superintendent Bill Vonada pose for a picture. (By AJ Howard/Student contributor)
The picnic has become a yearly tradition for Cranberry High School students and staff alike, and many students look forward to this day.
When asked how she perceived the day’s events, graduate Ellie Kahle stated, “I love coming back to this school and seeing so many kids outside laughing and having fun!”

In addition to having a cookout, students played yard games after eating. (By AJ Howard/Student contributor)
“I love the outdoor picnic; I wish we could do it more than once or twice a year,” said Assistant Principal Elizabeth Daugherty when asked about her thoughts on the day’s festivities.
After eating, some students used the remainder of their lunch period to play frisbee, toss a ball around, or simply lay out and soak in the sun.
Ignite Club at CHS also took the time to write encouraging messages on the bottoms of the styrofoam trays to add to the uplifting mood of the day.
“I really like this day already, but the plates made me love it even more,” said eighth-grader Noel Bunyak.

On the bottom of each plate, students were encouraged with positive messages written by Ignite club members. (By AJ Howard/Student contributor)
The general consensus on the cookout is that it should happen more often. Many students noted that they would greatly enjoy having a Cranberry Cookout at least once a month.
“This day is awesome! I mean, when else do you get to have a picnic at school?” stated Vonada.
One thing is for sure, the Cranberry Cookout is a tradition that will never die!
Jenna Seigworth and AJ Howard are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications group.