Cranberry board discusses potential savings on school improvements

Potential savings on some improvements to the Cranberry high school and elementary school properties plus an idea to expand the district’s gymnasium capacity were discussed at Monday’s Cranberry School Board meeting.

Chad Findlay, a school board member who also serves as the township manager for Cranberry Township, suggested the township may be able to work a cooperative agreement with the district on one part of an extensive repaving project at the school property.

Township crews could install a new drainage pipe under one district roadway in exchange for the millings removed during the paving work. The township could recycle the millings for local road projects, he said.

In addition, Findlay noted he would set up a meeting with Delta Development of Mechanicsburg as to potential grants the district could apply for regarding school projects. He said the company has been successful in working with Clarion County and other municipalities in obtaining financial grants.

“You hate to miss out on an opportunity,” said Findlay, noting he would arrange a meeting with representatives of the firm and township and school district personnel.

District Superintendent Bill Vonada outlined figures on how widely the school gymnasium is used and said the board should consider how to expand what has become a multi-purpose room for a variety of activities.

A potential plan plus funding avenues, including private business allocations, will be part of the discussion.

“We need to talk more in depth about this,” school board president Tom Neely said.

Elementary school principal Bob Horner told the board the district is anticipating 70 students will be enrolled in kindergarten next fall. To date, 54 students have been confirmed as enrolling at Cranberry.

“We’re looking very healthy with the numbers that are coming in,” he said.

Members are honored

In other business Monday, school board members were presented certificates for their service by Vonada in recognition of School Board Appreciation Month in January.

Singled out for praise were two longtime board members. Bob Blauser has been a board member for 12 years, and Ken Brannon has served eight years.

The board accepted the resignation of Marsha Vogan, head cook at the elementary school, who is retiring. Vogan has worked nearly 34 years for the district.

Rona Zerbe was transferred to the head cook position at the elementary school, and Teresa Wilson was hired as a cafeteria worker at the elementary school.

Rob Anthony was named head girls cross country coach. Roger Baker was approved as a boys basketball volunteer, and Jacob Felmlee was named boys baseball volunteer.

Elizabeth Kearns, Dawn Adams, Katie Lee, Brittany York, Teresa York and Allison Frazier were approved as musical and prom volunteers. James Wry was named audio tech advisor for the school musical.

The Cranberry Girls Softball Association was given permission to use the softball fields for recreational softball. The use agreement will start May 17.

And the Cranberry Chaos Fastpitch request to use the softball fields on Sundays after 1 p.m. from April through Nov. 2 was approved. The organization was also given permission to use the fields for its annual tournament on Sunday afternoons, Aug. 2 and 9.