Redevelopment Works

Adapting to Change

Last week we explored what it takes for a community to be adaptive and resilient. This week, I want to look at how one centuries-old…

Embracing Change

“The only constant in life is change.” This expression is credited to Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher who lived approximately 2,500 years ago, but it still…

Regional Collaboration

Last week, we looked at different levels of collaboration needed to build a resilient community. This week, I want to dive a little deeper into…

Building Hope and Resilience

Since 2014, the Blueprint Initiative has been the catalyst for projects throughout the Allegheny-Clarion River Valley Region (ACRVR). The Blueprint Core Team and subcommittees focused…

Industries of Interest

After last week’s article on upcoming solar-focused projects, I received some questions about other business opportunities that might arise around our region. If you are…

On To 2022

It’s nice sometimes – especially when things feel overwhelming and hectic or when the pace of progress feels too slow, or both at the same…

Making Progress

Since we’ve been talking a fair bit recently about “what will be” and “what can be,” I figured it’s about time for a “what is”…

It’s All About Perception

Last week we talked about differing realities, and how they can complicate the important work of relationship-building between redevelopment partners. This week we’re going to…

Coming Together to Make Change

In the last column, I mentioned the creation of a regional coalition of redevelopment partners. I threw out some soundbites like “innovation ecosystem” and “regional…

Celebrating Partnerships

On Thursday, Sept. 23, the Oil Region Alliance held its 16th Annual Meeting at Cross Creek Resort in Titusville. Having missed last year’s meeting due…