Front Page

OC man arrested on drug charges

From staff reports Oil City police have arrested a man who is accused of trading an air rifle for methamphetamine. Police said Steven M. Spence,…

Feels like spring

By JUDITH O. ETZEL Contributing writer How lovely early spring is with occasional rain but no snow, cool but not frigid temperatures and cloudy but…

Christmas tradition

By ROSEMARY FIELDING Staff writer A local funeral home’s call for generosity has succeeded in bringing in a record number of Christmas stockings, stuffed to…

Poulson’s sentencing date set

From staff reports Former Roman Catholic priest David Lee Poulson will learn his fate on Jan. 11. Poulson, a former Oil City resident who had…

Flood prevention

By JUDITH O. ETZEL Contributing writer Standing in front of a group of engineers, emergency response coordinators and environmental experts, all shivering in the cold…

Young journalists

By JUDITH O. ETZEL Contributing writer The buzz spilling out of Trisha Dixon’s classroom and into the hallways at Cranberry High School is a sure…

No tax hike in Cranberry budget

By JUDITH O. ETZEL-Contributing writer Cranberry Township property owners got some good news this week. Preliminary figures for the 2019 township budget show no property…