Around The County

Cornplanter brush fire

Cornplanter volunteer firefighters Dave Corle and Jamie Carson soak the ground around a brush fire that broke out Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Sharon…

GEMS take trip to SRU

Oil City and Franklin GEMS clubs took a field trip to Slippery Rock university to visit the Computer Science Dept, learn about robots, and explore…

Clean up day

Thirteen Boy Scouts from Troop 111 in Seneca took advantage of the beautiful weather Sunday, April 17, 2016, to clean up their section of Route…

First day of Trout

Chris Duffy returns to this area every year for opening day of Trout season. The Pittsburgh native now lives in Greenville, South Carolina, but says…

Practice makes perfect

Andy Bell plays the tuba during the second practice of the Franklin Silver Cornet Band in the band room on the second floor of Franklin’s…

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

From staff reports PASSAGES, Inc. and the Clarion VDay Project hosted Clarion University’s third Walk a Mile in Her Shoes on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Men…