
Help Is There If Needed

Veterans that are enrolled into the VA Health Care System, did you know there is help with issues you might have at a VA Hospital…

The Full Body Pit

By HUNTER REDFIELD – Student Contributor Fourteen hours after Keith and I left my house, we were finally able to step out of the car,…

Honey-Dill Coleslaw

Recipe courtesy of the National Honey Board Servings: 4 1/4 cup honey 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed 1 package (16 ounces)…

Pet of the Day 01-30-20

Adora, a Domestic Short Hair, is a one year old female. She’s a bright calico with almond-shaped eyes and large, upright ears. This friendly, gentle…

Growing roses organically

Michael Marriott is an organic gardener and says roses can easily be grown that way. The technical manager and senior rosarian has been growing roses…

Pet of the Day 01-29-20

Butternut and Sassafras, two Domestic Short Hairs, are spayed females. They’re beige and brown tigers. Butternut and Sassafras are sharing a condo, and they’re every…

Pizza Burgers

Recipe courtesy of Chef Evan Robinson Servings: 4 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 medium portabella mushroom, finely chopped 2-3 white button mushrooms, finely chopped…

A Hot and Spicy Favorite

(Family Features) As the weather cools, spicy recipes can warm things up by satisfying your taste buds. For example, award-winning chef Elise Wiggins brings the…

Pet of the Day 01-24-20

Xena, a Domestic Short Hair, is a four month old spayed female. She’s a black and orange tortoiseshell with bright green eyes. Although Xena looks…

Steelhead Collection

By NATALIE SANDROCK Student contributor Contributions by HUNTER REDFIELD and AVA FISCHER Students in Cranberry’s Envirothon class went on their annual trip to help the…

Pet of the Day 01-22-20

Raven is a very large active girl who loves attention. She is bonded to her sister Willow. Both of these girls were recently surrendered to…

A Flavorful Family Meal

(Family Features) If your family struggles to make meal time happen, try creating kid-friendly recipes that bring everyone together at the table. For example, these…

Pet of the Day 01-21-20

Willow is a very large active girl who loves attention. She is bonded to her sister Raven. Both of these girls were recently surrendered to…

PHUNC… What a Good Idea

Student Jenna Seigworth receives a $500 scholarship should she choose to attend Penn State.  (Photography contributed by Gayle Mitchell) By KRISTEN HOGUE Student contributor PHUNC,…

Pet of the Day 01-14-20

Esme, a Domestic Short Hair, is a 14 month old spayed female. She’s a handsome brown, orange tiger with green eyes. This friendly girl loves…

Pigskin Potatoes

Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 44 minutes Servings: 8 1 bag (1 1/2 pounds) Dynamic Duo or Terrific Trio Little Potatoes 6 ounces plain…

Spanakopita Puffs

Recipe adapted from Milk Means More 1 package puff pastry sheets 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 1 small onion, diced 10 ounces frozen chopped spinach, thawed…