
Crisp Apple Tacos

(Family Features) Busy mornings, afternoons, and evenings are the norm for many families with days full of work, school, extracurricular activities, social commitments, and more….

Apple Avocado Toast

(Family Features) Busy mornings, afternoons, and evenings are the norm for many families with days full of work, school, extracurricular activities, social commitments, and more….

VFW officers installed

The VFW Department of Pennsylvania and Auxiliary held its annual convention over the weekend in Pittsburgh. The nominations, elections, and installations of officers for the…

Pet of the Day 6/18/21

Hershey is a sweetheart that needs some TLC for her skin. She loves blankets, stuffed toys, and treats. Hershey sometimes “talks” for attention and seems…

Orange Ice Cream

(Family Features) When families fire up their grills and turn to favorite summer recipes for filling meals, nutritional considerations are often not the focus. However,…

Pet of the Day 6/17/21

Kainen was recently brought to us because he needs someone to spend more time with him. He is high-energy and friendly. Kainen loves to give…

Carrots in a Blanket

(StatePoint) To celebrate spring, Carla Hall, renowned chef, author, and television host, offers two delicious recipes that make carrots the star ingredient of the season….

Oh-So-Berry Cobbler

( This summer, get a little wild in the kitchen and make something different. It’s alright to mix up the seasonal menu now and again…

Tart Lime Smoothie

( During the summer months, it’s common for many people to want to spend as much time outside enjoying the weather as possible. From the…

Pet of the Day 6/4/21

Anyone looking for an over-grown small lap dog? Well, you’re in luck! Oscar is holding auditions for his new snuggle buddy and is testing all…