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Recent Deaths 5/9/23

Wayne A. Cunning, 67, of Oil City, died May 8, 2023. Randall E. Bernecky, 69, died May 8, 2023. Thomas J. Oelkrue, 49, of Oil…

Recent Deaths 5/8/23

Michael S. McGarvie died May 6, 2023. Lois McGuirk, 93, of Miola, died May 6, 2023. John Theodore Morelli died May 5, 2023. Terry E….

Forest ATV trails to open

From staff reports The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service will open all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and off-highway motorcycle (OHM) trails at 8 a.m. on Friday,…

Recent Deaths 5/6/23

William R. “Bill” Himes, 82, of Rimersburg, died May 4, 2023. Mary Ann Nelles Reynolds died April 25, 2023. Ira E. Truitt, 89, of Fairmount…

Adapting to Change

Last week we explored what it takes for a community to be adaptive and resilient. This week, I want to look at how one centuries-old…

Pet of the Day 5/5/23

Roscoe is an approximately 9-month-old terrier mix, who was surrendered to us when his owners could no longer care for him. Roscoe has a heart…

Recent Deaths 5/5/23

Diane Winters, 71, of Woodstock, Georgia, formerly of the Rocky Grove and Franklin area, died April 21, 2023.   For complete obituaries, pick up a…

Pet of the Day 5/4/23

Cedar was abandoned in a cardboard box with his brothers Cypress and Spruce. He has spent the last several weeks in foster, and is now…

Recent Deaths 5/4/23

Mary M. Baker, 90, of Lucinda, died May 2, 2023. Paul A. Barger, 50, of Franklin, died April 30, 2023. Wallace L. (Butch) Yashinski, 83,…

Pet of the Day 5/3/23

Meet Sunday, the friendly and adventurous tuxedo kitten! Sunday was born here at the shelter, with his brother Breakfast, in February of this year. Sunday…

Recent Deaths 5/3/23

Dennis E. McCauley, 70, of Oil City, died April 30, 2023. Ernest Dale Miller, 90, of Shippenville, died May 1, 2023.   For complete obituaries,…

Pet of the Day 5/2/23

Meet Jackson, the beautiful and energetic husky! Jackson is a gorgeous 3-year-old husky who came to us because his owners no longer had the time…