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Recent Deaths 4/30/22

Beulah Mae Ferringer Krepp, 84, of Franklin, died April 27, 2022. Mary Kay Powley, 89, of Franklin, died April 20, 2022.   For complete obituaries,…

Garden Mart set for May 7-8

From staff reports The Franklin Gardeners Association has been hard at work planning for this year’s May Garden Mart in downtown Franklin. The area’s premier…

Franklin names prom court

Franklin High School will hold its prom Saturday, May 7, at Forever Farms. The theme of the dance is “Forever Enchanted.” Students who are serving…

Recent Deaths 4/29/22

James E. “Jim” Corbin, 64, of Titusville, died April 27, 2022. Mary Lee “Nancy” Young, 79, of Rimersburg, died April 28, 2022. Victor J. Troese,…

Oil City names prom court

Oil City High School has announced its prom court, and members include (from left) Esau Knight, Emily Bly, Heydan Krug, Payton Burk, Mike McFarland, Jada…

Recent Deaths 4/28/22

Louis D. Foster, of Franklin, died April 26, 2022. Michael Todd Spence, of Brookville, formerly of Brockway, died April 26 2022. Karen S. O’Day, 57,…

Recent Deaths 4/27/22

Mark Thomas Johnson, 61, died April 5, 2022. Sandra A. Mullen, 79, of Spartansburg, died April 25, 2022. John A. “Jack” Gatesman, 95, of Newville,…

Recent Deaths 4/26/22

Barry “Scott” Stewart, 63, of Knox, died April 24, 2022. Ethel L. (Cook) Reynolds, 104, of Brookville, died April 23, 2022. Paul J. Swartzfager, 85,…