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Recent Deaths 5/25/22

Thomas Dwight Knight, 86, of Shippenville, died May 24, 2022. Robbin L. Yeany, 63, of Sligo, died May 24, 2022. Shirley Kathyrn Cole, 90, of…

Recent Deaths 5/24/22

Marcella “Marcy” Johnson, 57, of Franklin, formerly of Cranberry, died May 22, 2022. The Reverend William C. Miller, 74, died May 19, 2022. William J….

Apple Berry Salsa

(Family Features) Regardless of the occasion, any excuse to celebrate moms and dads is a worthy one. From birthdays and holidays to regular weekends at…

Gardeners beautify Franklin

The Franklin Gardeners Association plants flowers in the Gateway Garden at the Franklin Fire Department on Saturday. Colors will begin to appear as these plants…

Recent Deaths 5/23/22

Robert S. Wolbert, 62, of Oil City, died Friday, May 20, 2022. Barbara E. McDonough, 83, formerly of Oil City, died May 21, 2022. Thomas…

Recent Deaths 5/21/22

George O. Zinsser, 92, of Kennerdell, died May 18, 2022.   For complete obituaries, pick up a copy of The Derrick for this day or…

Recent Deaths 5/19/22

Mark Trapano, of Nectarine, died May 11, 2022. Michael L. Elder, 60, of Knox, died May 16, 2022. Nancy L. Thomas, 80, of Franklin, died…