Area firefighters get brand new gear with help from grant

Mariel Jeannerat, the Seneca Volunteer Fire Department secretary, holds up a new firefighters coat she unboxed Wednesday afternoon at the fire hall.

The Seneca Volunteer Fire Department celebrated the arrival of new firefighting gear purchased through a grant of over $300,000. This gear, meant to be replaced every ten years but overdue for many departments, will enhance safety for firefighters. A total of 73 sets will be distributed among four local departments, with Seneca receiving 26 sets. Funded by a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant and a 5% match from each department, the total cost was $343,994, significantly reducing the price per set for Seneca. Each set includes essential protective items, and discounts were obtained due to the large order. Mariel Jeannerat, who secured the grant, emphasized the benefits of interdepartmental cooperation and encouraged community members to volunteer, highlighting that there are various roles within the fire department.


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