Martina, a 2-year-old female, colby tiger, domestic shorthair, is very friendly, vocal, and playful. (By Jenna Biltz/Student contributor)

Meet Malia, a 5-year-old adult female beagle-labrador-retriever mix, is house-trained. She was recently returned to the Humane Society because her owners could no longer take care of her. (By Raquel Knight/Student contributor)
Student contributor
“Seeing an animal come in with bad health, regain their strength, and go to a caring home is amazingly fulfilling, both for me and the animal,” says Dan Prichard, the kennel manager at the Venango County Humane Society.
As a no-kill shelter, workers at the Humane Society never fail to make sure each animal is properly cared for. They rely on volunteers and currently need more helping hands.
Prichard states, “Volunteering is always appreciated. We are in need of walkers, and people who are willing to get the cats out and socialize them.”
The Humane Society goes beyond simply rescuing animals from harsh conditions and getting them back on their four-legs; it cares deeply about finding rescued animals loving and safe forever homes.
Community members continually express gratitude towards the Humane Society, both for the work the volunteers do to help the animals as well as introducing them to the pets they now call family.
Bradyn Brown is just one of many Cranberry students who find comfort in their rescue animals.
“My cat is my best friend,” Brown said. “He is one of the reasons why I keep going. I can tell him anything. When I get bored I can play with him because he’s so energetic all of the time. He is the reason I am glad to go home.”
According to the Venango County Humane Society’s website, those who want to volunteer must be 16 years of age, fill out an application, and attend a one-hour orientation. Further instructions can be found on their website, venangocountyhumanesociety.org, by calling (814) 677-4040, or visiting the shelter at 286 S. Main St. in Seneca.
Gillian White, Raquel Knight and Jenna Biltz are students at Cranberry High School and members of Cranberry Chronicles, the school’s journalism/publications class.

Cranberry Chronicles, Cranberry High School’s student-run newspaper, maintains a page on its online newspaper supporting the Humane Society as one of its community outreach programs. A link to the page can be found on Cranberry High School’s website or by scanning the pictured QR code.