A bouquet of color

Purple morning glories. They "volunteered" from last year and didn't need replanted in the side garden.

Summer’s officially here and the warmer weather brings with it different flowers. The roses are flourishing; the morning glories are opening their faces to the sun; and the daylilies are coloring the roadsides and yards around the region.


The floribunda roses are putting on quite a show this year.



A red begonia brightens up a hanging basket.



Daylilies bloom in the foreground with cabbage roses adding some pink in the back.



Nothing brings out the bunnies like a well-tended garden.



The evening skies add a little color to ripples created by water bugs.


Crazy critters


The garden (and it’s inhabitants – birds, chipmunks and the like) provide hours of entertainment for some fuzzy felines.



Kennedy grabs a bite to eat on the run.

(Anna Applegate is a newsroom staffer at The Derrick and The News-Herald. She manages the Good Times. She can be emailed at bigdogs.thederrick@gmail.com)