Modify grooming and beauty tips for winter

Winter may be a time for cozy sweaters and tall boots, but it also can be a season for static-charged hair and dry skin. Upon the arrival of cold weather, women and men may have to make some changes to their beauty or grooming routines to survive the chilly temperatures.

Handling the extremes of wind, snow and dry indoor air takes care and attention.

Modify your moisturizer

Moisturizer that works in the spring, summer and fall may not be adequate in winter. Water-based moisturizers can do a good job, but men and women with extremely dry skin may need to switch to an oil-based product that locks in moisture. Apply as needed to keep skin supple. Many people even find that inexpensive petroleum jelly applied sparingly offers protection against dry skin and chapping.

Avoid hot showers and baths

Although they can feel heavenly after coming in from the outdoors, hot showers and baths can strip even more moisture from the skin, exacerbating dry skin issues. Stick to warm showers and apply moisturizer immediately after.

Assess scalp conditions

The scalp can be prone to dryness during the winter. Skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis may be aggravated by changes in temperature, advises Seton Dermatology. Even getting sick in the winter months can worsen symptoms, as colds and the flu may lead to psoriasis or eczema flare-ups. Speak with a dermatologist if over-the-counter products do not remedy the situation. Topical prescription medications may help.

Avoid flyaway hair

Cold temperatures, wind and combing may lead to the buildup of negative ions on hair shafts, causing the strands to repel one another and static to form. Using a mild shampoo and conditioner or a product that touts static-improving properties can help. Spraying a static guard onto a hair brush and working it through the hair can help as well.

Address red nose woes

Many people get flushed noses after spending time outdoors in cold temperatures. This is caused by the dilation of blood vessels, according to Real Simple. Flushed features should fade on their own, but a warm compress on the nose can help speed up the process. For red noses caused by colds, try an antihistamine paired with moisturized tissues.

Don’t neglect hands and feet

Extremities feel the bite of the weather more than other parts of the bodies, so these areas may require some extra TLC. Invest in a quality hand cream. Apply a foot balm, cover feet with cotton socks and give the product time to be absorbed into the skin.

Shave with care

Men should lather up their shaving cream with warm water and rinse with cool water to avoid irritation and dryness, advises The Art of Shaving. Apply an aftershave balm to hydrate.

Grooming routines should be tweaked come winter to keep skin looking and feeling good.

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