Horrid humidity

A discarded bird feather is covered by the morning dew.

Heat and humidity have plagued the area over the past few days. However, the region did not suffer as bad as the Midwest. The muggy weather made for buggy conditions and sticky walks. Most of the days were spend trying to find shade. Even the forested canopies didn’t offer much relief. However, the higher dew points provided for a photo opportunity with the heavy morning dew. The plants also seem to be taking the humidity in stride despite the fact that the moist air hasn’t really brought much rain with it. Last week a hummingbird clearwing moth visited the phlox and the turk’s cap lilies are starting to unfurl. Here’s hoping next week brings a little less heat and few more raindrops.


A hummingbird clearwing moth feeds on some phlox.



The forest canopy offers a little break from the blazing sun.



A male ruby-throated hummingbird settles in for a meal. The feeders went dry rather quickly this past week.



A striped gazania appeared in the garden and then promptly disappeared next day. It was probably the victim of a hungry rodent.



The turk’s cap lilies started to unfurl earlier this week.


Crazy Critters



Timus the cat asks the dogs to let him outside. His request was ignored.


(Anna Applegate is a newsroom staffer at The Derrick and The News-Herald. She manages the Good Times. She can be emailed at bigdogs.thederrick@gmail.com)