Briggs outlines Valley Grove’s prep work for district office move

Superintendent Kevin Briggs discussed plans to relocate the Valley Grove School District’s administrative offices to Valley Grove Elementary School during a school board work session. The move would involve setting up the current music rooms as administrative offices and relocating the music rooms to the third-grade wing with appropriate acoustics and soundproofing. Additionally, a divider wall would be constructed to minimize disruption. The entire process, including the relocation and settling, is expected to take about a year. The board will decide within a few months whether to repurpose or sell the current administrative offices at 429 Wiley Ave. In other business, the board hired five summer student custodians and accepted the resignations of paraprofessionals June Klawuhn-Whitmer and Sarah Baughman.


To read this complete article, visit it on our website or pick up a copy of The Derrick or The News-Herald for June 19, 2024.