Baked Camembert Wreath with Navel Orange and Cranberry

(Family Features) Despite a busy holiday schedule, you can take the stress out of entertaining and cooking by planning ahead and simplifying your menu.

Consider these tips from the entertaining experts at Sunkist and food blogger, podcaster, and TV host Brandi Milloy for a fresh spin on your festivities.

Start with Showstopping Recipes

When hosting for the holidays, visual dishes that look as good as they taste lend themselves toward seasonal celebrations. Try shareable creations like this Baked Camembert Wreath with Navel Orange and Cranberry for a fun way to beautify your table.

Serve Seasonal Ingredients

For added flavor in favorite dishes, look for easy-to-find, in-season ingredients like Sunkist Navel oranges, which are at their peak and deliciously sweet. Perfect for snacking or adding to recipes from cocktails to desserts, they support your immune system by offering 90% of your daily vitamin C.

Wind Down with Movie Night

A final touch of family festivity can be found in an evening spent watching a holiday classic like “Elf”. Gather loved ones, lay out favorite snacks and treats then look to the big screen for a fun way to relax and take in the joy of the season.

For more recipe ideas and ways to celebrate the holidays, visit

Baked Camembert Wreath with Navel Orange and Cranberry

Recipe courtesy of Brandi Milloy on behalf of Sunkist
Prep time: 2 hours
Cook time: 15 minutes
Servings: 6

1 Sunkist Navel orange
1 can (8 ounces) jellied cranberry sauce
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 camembert cheese wheel
1 bag (25 ounces) frozen Parker House style rolls, thawed
sprigs rosemary, for garnish
sprigs thyme, for garnish

In a bowl, add zest and juice from an orange.

Add jellied cranberry sauce and red pepper flakes; mix. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to use.

Cover baking sheet or round pizza stone with parchment paper.

Using the cheese wheel as a guide in the center, arrange rolls around cheese leaving about 1/4-inch space between rolls.

Create two concentric circles of rolls around cheese then place the cheese back in the refrigerator and let the dough rise 2 hours.

Heat oven to 325 F.

Remove the top of the rind from the cheese wheel and place it in the center of the dough. Bake 7-8 minutes.

Remove from oven and add orange cranberry sauce. Bake 7-8 minutes until bread is golden and cheese is melted and bubbly.

Garnish with sprigs of rosemary and thyme.


Source: Sunkist